New York: Roughly 90 per cent of the population in Afghanistan is on the brink of poverty “and children bear the brunt of it,” the Representative of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the country, Fran Equiza, told journalists in New York on Thursday. more
Afghanistan remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters: HRW

Afghanistan has largely disappeared from the media, but it remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters.

Afghanistan: Rights experts alarmed over Taliban use of ‘brutal’ punishments

New York: “Brutal and undignified” forms of punishment in Afghanistan and the use of capital punishment coupled with a lack of fair trial guarantees, violate international law ...

UN calls on Taliban to end corporal punishment in Afghanistan

New York: The use of corporal punishment by the de facto authorities in Afghanistan runs counter to international law and must stop, the UN Assistance Mission in the country (UNAMA), said ...

Afghanistan: Women tell UN rights experts ‘we’re alive, but not living’

New York: Following a systematic crackdown on the rights of Afghan women and girls by the Taliban – from attending school to working at the UN – “the stage may be set fo ...

Afghanistan: Security Council condemns Taliban’s ban on women working for UN

New York: In a landmark resolution, the UN Security Council on Thursday condemned the de facto rulers of Afghanistan’s decision to ban women nationals from working for the United Na ...

Taliban bans women from participating in Eid gatherings in two provinces, Malala criticizes

Kabul: The Taliban forces of Afghanistan have banned women from participating in Eid gatherings in two provinces of the country.

Canada: Over 30,000 Afghan refugees arrive with IOM’s support

New York: The arrival of a charter flight in Toronto on Wednesday marked the successful departure to Canada of more than 30,000 Afghan refugees with the assistance of the International Or ...

Afghanistan: UN forced to make ‘appalling choice’ following ban on women nationals

New York: The UN has launched an operational review in Afghanistan, and told national staff to remain at home, following the decision by the Taliban de facto authorities to ban Afghan wom ...

Afghanistan: Taliban bans women, families from outdoor dining in restaurants

The Taliban has once again imposed a strict restriction as the group banned families and women from outdoor dining at restaurants in an Afghanistan province, media reports said.