People continuously exposed to bright, artificial light at night may be at increased risk of developing conditions that affect blood flow to the brain and having a stroke, according to research published today in Stroke, the peer-reviewed scientific journal of the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association. more
Supermarket trolleys set to help diagnose common heart rhythm disorder and prevent stroke: Study

Edinburgh:  It could be the shopping trip that saves your life: supermarket trolleys are helping to diagnose atrial fibrillation which can then be treated to prevent disabling or fat ...

People who have symptoms of depression may have an increased risk of having a stroke: Study

Galway: Researchers at University of Galway have found that people with symptoms of depression were more likely to suffer an acute stroke and have a worse recovery afterwards.

Study says use of zero-calorie sweetener increases risk of heart attack, stroke

Washington: Artificial sweeteners, known as sugar alcohols, are common replacements for table sugar in low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, “zero sugar” and “keto” produ ...

Even 1 sugary drink a day could boost heart disease, stroke risk in women: Study

Washington: Women who drink one or more sugar-laden beverages – such as soda, sweetened water and teas, and fruit drinks – every day could boost their risk of cardiovascular d ...