California, Apr 12 (IBNS) The global space economy is growing, generating more than $300 billion a year in space-related activities, and attracting new, diverse participants and investors. more
NASA invests in two-dimensional spacecraft, reprogrammable microorganisms

California, Apr 9 (IBNS) NASA has selected 13 proposals through NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC), a program that invests in transformative architectures through the development of pi ...

NASA Cargo headed to space station includes habitat prototype, medical research

Washington, Apr 9 (IBNS) Tucked in the trunk of the latest commercial cargo spacecraft to head for the International Space Station is an expandable structure that has the potential to revol ...

NASA progresses towards SpaceX resupply mission to Space Station

California, Apr 5 (IBNS): NASA provider SpaceX is scheduled to launch its eighth Commercial Resupply Services mission to the International Space Station on Friday, April 8. NASA Television c ...